Saturday, October 4, 2008

Quit smoking! Don't be the next victims!

I am an emissary of good will who's dedicated on the mission to make as many people as possible quit smoking.
So I have opened an anti-smoking website and I would like to share with you a bit of my knowledge and research:

Let us start with a fact that may completely make shake – have you known that in the 90s, smoking alone has claimed more victims than AIDS, car accidents, drugs, alcohol, murders and suicides ALL PUT TOGETHER??

Did you know that the nicotine in cigarettes works on your brain twice as fast as heroin?? That is why it's so hard quitting!

Now one more of a maybe obvious smoking fact – please take in consideration that 8 out of 10 cases of lung cancer are linked into smoking!

Isn't that scary enough? So what can we do?
Give up smoking!
But quitting smoking makes a difficult challenge, so please accept a few effective tips for quitting smoking:

First step is to convince yourself that you must quit this stupid habit. How?
-Read about the dangers of smoking, search the web about the hazards of smoking, read articles and personal stories of people who had a real bad experience with smoking, and scare yourself away from this awful habit.
This way you could come to a clean decision – I MUST STOP SMOKING NOW!

Another great way to deal with this problem is by deciding with some friends, or even people that you don't know from the internet, but share the same problem – Want to quit smoking, but can't – and form a support group.
Set up a date and leave the cigarettes all together on the same day. Experience it together, set up a weekly meeting, talk everyday on the phone or the web, and don't let each other break.

I hope I could make you at least consider starting the process,
This is the most crucial step of all.
Good luck to all of you who start to stop.

Read more about smoking facts and smoking effects and as well as additional stop smoking tips on Some-Smoking-Facts (SSF) Website.